Your generosity gives hope and support to the widow & Orphan.


TO mail a check:

Payable to: Ark of Israel

Mail to: 111 Becky Lane, Franklin, TN 37064

The story of Uri & Ben

“Even though we never move on, we have to move forward TOGETHER, united in pain and united in HOPE.”


How does your contribution help?

  • Provide a widow the skills she needs to thrive!

    University-level skills courses are run throughout the country, designed to help widows learn the skills for which their spouses previously took responsibility, including: information technology, finance management, bibliotherapy and English. Participants learn in a supportive and encouraging environment, gaining strength and knowledge from each other.

  • Be there when they need it most!

    Medical grants are provided to all widows in need, dealing with matters ranging from dental care to cancer treatment. We stand by them through their most difficult periods, and relieve some of their financial stress, allowing them to focus on their recovery, and move on from their tragedy.

  • Support a widow who is in financial despair!

    The organization’s Grants and Loans Committee reviews applicants’ financial status and provides a much-needed helping hand to those in desperate need. Applicants are also connected to a financial specialist who teaches them how to manage their money to help them and their families get back on their feet.

  • Give an orphan an exciting start to school!

    All orphans entering first grade receive a beautiful backpack full of essential school supplies. This gift eases a little financial pressure for their mothers, the widows, and gives the children an encouraging start to school.

  • Give a bright future!

    Scholarships are granted to all orphans who choose to study in university or embark on vocational learning. Providing scholarships shows students that we, and their supporters, are here to celebrate and encourage every success in their lives – to allow them the freedom to achieve their goals and shape their futures.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) Widows & Orphans Organization are the sole organization recognized by the State of Israel to represent the widows, widowers, and orphans of Israel’s fallen soldiers.

They strive to provide them, with the support, both financial and emotional, that a parent or spouse generally provides for his or her family, and to make a difference in the lives of our widows, widowers, and orphans.

As the U.S. Ambassadors for the IDFWO, donations in 2022 will go towards helping the IDFWO support the needs of the widows & orphans.