THe Widows & Orphans need Your Support

Israel is at war. Over 1,600 Israelis have lost their lives, which includes 716 soldiers, leaving countless widows (223+), orphans (511+), and family members living with the reality of heartache and grief — and that journey has only just begun. The IDF Widows & Orphans Organization is in great need of financial support to handle sudden loss at such a great magnitude. In unprecedented times, we need people like you to extend a hand of support to those living in the wake of tragedy.

All donations during this time of immediate crisis go directly to the IDF Widows & Orphans Organization.

Ark of Israel has been asked to raise funds and awareness to help this crisis.

In collaboration with The IDF Widows & Orphans Organization and Aryeh Muallem, Deputy Director General of the Israeli Ministry of Defense and Head of its Bereaved Families, Commemoration and Heritage Department — Ark of Israel is rallying the United States to stand with our greatest ally, Israel.

The IDFWO is currently aware of 716 fallen soldiers since the war started on October 7, 2023. Their commitment to the families of the fallen begin at the most solemn of moments—the funeral and the shiva—and extends throughout the lives of their widows and orphans. This journey will be long and challenging, but it is one that we are all deeply dedicated to. 

  • The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) Widows & Orphans Organization are the sole organization recognized by the State of Israel to represent the widows, widowers, and orphans of Israel’s fallen soldiers.

    They strive to provide them, with the support, both financial and emotional, that a parent or spouse generally provides for his or her family, and to make a difference in the lives of our widows, widowers, and orphans.

    How does your contribution help? CLICK HERE for a list!

  • Practical Needs:

    • Trauma / Bereavement counseling and support

    • Funeral and Shiva arrangements, and physical presence of support from IDFWO staff and volunteers

    • Hotline for bereaved families who wish to evacuate from areas at risk of rockets and terrorists.

    • Assess immediate needs of new families (financial, safety, education, etc.)

    • Support for staff and volunteers as they prepare and accept a massive wave of families.

    From Shlomi Nahumson, CEO of IDFWO

    “As we mourn and pay our respects for the fallen, I ask that you continue to keep the victims and their families in your thoughts and prayers. Together, we can find strength in unity and solace in our shared compassion. Your support is a beacon of hope in these dark times, and it reminds us that even in the face of adversity, we are not alone.

    Thank you for standing with us during this challenging period. Let us continue to support one another, pray for peace, and work towards a brighter and more peaceful future for all.

    In the midst of this overwhelming sorrow, our mission remains clear: to support, to comfort, to be present. This Friday, our dedicated volunteers will be visiting the bereaved families for the first time, bearing packages containing a sweet challah for Shabbat, a cake, sweets, toys for the children, and a message. A message that simply says, "We are here, and we're here to stay."

  • Every day needs of the IDFWO when they’re not responding to immediate war:

    Advanced Skills Courses ($900 Donation)

    Provide a widow the skills she needs to thrive!

    University-level skills courses are run throughout the country, designed to help widows learn the skills for which their spouses previously took responsibility, including: information technology, finance management, bibliotherapy and English. Participants learn in a supportive and encouraging environment, gaining strength and knowledge from each other.

    Medical Grants ($1,800 Donation)

    Be there when they need it most!

    Medical grants are provided to all widows in need, dealing with matters ranging from dental care to cancer treatment. We stand by them through their most difficult periods, and relieve some of their financial stress, allowing them to focus on their recovery, and move on from their tragedy.

    Financial Grants ($2,750 Donation)

    Support a widow who is in financial despair!

    The organization’s Grants and Loans Committee reviews applicants’ financial status and provides a much-needed helping hand to those in desperate need. Applicants are also connected to a financial specialist who teaches them how to manage their money to help them and their families get back on their feet.

    School Supplies for First Graders ($180 Donation)

    Give an orphan an exciting start to school!

    All orphans entering first grade receive a beautiful backpack full of essential school supplies. This gift eases a little financial pressure for their mothers, the widows, and gives the children an encouraging start to school.

    University Scholarships ($2,500 Donation)

    Give a bright future!

    Scholarships are granted to all orphans who choose to study in university or embark on vocational learning. Providing scholarships shows students that we, and their supporters, are here to celebrate and encourage every success in their lives – to allow them the freedom to achieve their goals and shape their futures.

Mike Pompeo, 70th Secretary of State

"The work that is being done for the IDF Widows and orphans is powerful and it’s important — and that’s why what the Ark of Israel is doing matters so much."

Shlomi Nahumson, CEO of Israeli Defense Forces Widows and Orphans

“With tremendous gratitude & appreciation, we are proud to call Scott & Heidi Cunningham and Ark of Israel, IDFWO Ambassadors, and we recognize their dedication, initiative, enthusiasm, and support for our widows and orphans.”

“Even though we never move on, we have to move forward TOGETHER, united in pain and united in HOPE.”

Watch the stories of Ben & Uri, two young men who have benefited from the IDF Widows & Orphans Organization. The evening of the Ark of Israel: Hearts of Courage Gala, they shared how the IDFWO offered them the support they needed to carry the great pain of unexpected loss.

heidi cunningham and scott cunningham and ark of israel and the local ark

Scott & Heidi Cunningham

After 45+ years in the service industry, we know first hand the sacrifice of those who serve on the frontlines.

Scott & Heidi Cunningham and The Ark of Israel are proud to be the United States Ambassadors of the IDF Widows & Orphans Organization. We’re working publicly and behind the scenes to highlight vital issues facing those left behind after the loss of a service member.

We stand with the IDFWO in their core message to the widow and orphan:

They are not alone and we, along with the entire Israeli public, remember and respect the inconceivable price they have paid.

At our recent Hearts of Courage Gala, we had the honor of hosting Secretary Mike Pompeo, Kim Walker-Smith, Netanel Hershtik, Anat Sulton-Dadon, Jay Sekulow, Steve Berger, and more! It was a historic evening in Nashville, honoring the IDF Widows & Orphans Organization. Watch the video to hear beautiful statements of support for the great alliance of the USA and Israel, and the IDF Widows & Orphans.